Featured House & Garden Magazine

We are thrilled to announce that Deorling has been featured in House and Garden magazine, online! Sharing our thoughts about renovating and the things they wish they had known before taking on a renovation project.

It's a great honour for us to be able to share our insights with House and Garden readers, who are undoubtedly interested in transforming their own homes. At Deorling, we understand the challenges of renovating and the importance of getting it right. Our founder has years of experience in renovating so a subject close to her heart. We hope that by sharing experiences, we can help readers of House and Garden magazine to avoid the common pitfalls of home renovation, and instead enjoy a smoother, more satisfying renovation experience.

Thank you, House and Garden, for featuring Deorling!

‘I wish I’d known that every task takes twice as long as you think, especially when you’re self-renovating. I found that most of the time is spent on moving things out of the way, prepping the area and tidying, rather than on the task itself. I would highly recommend anyone who is taking on a project and moving into a doer-upper, to plan in sufficient time to organise your belongings first. Be ruthless, or you will no doubt have unnecessary boxes that you’ll end up moving back and forth for months to come. Consider donating unwanted items to charity shops or even doing a car boot sale before the move begins. Find a new home for things you’ll no longer use or they could easily end up in a basement or loft for the rest of eternity. Storage space is always in demand, no matter the size of the house.’

- Founder Deorling. House and Garden magazine Online June 23


Designers in focus: Willy Guhl


The Deorling Studio is Open.